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Icon Images For Mac

broken image

Getdataback for fat. For the deepest level of scan, you'll want go with level four, which scours your drive, block by block, to reconstruct files based on file pattern.Start any scan level and a log window will keep you apprised of the progress made and how much time the program anticipates remains before completion.Once the scan completes, you can browse files by file tree. It's not generally valuable, though, unless you're dealing with a non-mounting partition.

  1. Icon Images For Mac
  2. Free Icon Images For Mac
  3. Icon Images For Contacts
  4. Free Icons For Mac
Free icon images for mac

On your Mac, choose Apple menu System Preferences, click Desktop & Screen Saver, then click Desktop. Mind mapper for mac. Open the Desktop pane for me. On the left, find a picture or color: Pictures and colors that come with your Mac: Click the disclosure triangle next to Apple, then select Desktop Pictures or Colors to see thumbnails of available pictures and colors. Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for Mac Icon. 60+ Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD files. Free for commercial use High Quality Images.

System Icons (iOS 12 and Earlier)


In iOS 13 or later, prefer using SF Symbols to represent tasks and types of content in your app. If your app is running in iOS 12 or earlier, follow the guidance below.

The system provides built-in icons that represent common tasks and types of content in a variety of use cases.

In apps running iOS 12 and earlier, it's a good idea to use these built-in icons as much as possible because they're familiar to people.

Use system icons as intended. Every system-provided image has a specific, well-known meaning. To avoid confusing users, it's essential that each image be used in accordance with its meaning and recommended usage.

Provide alternative text labels for icons. Alternative text labels aren't visible onscreen, but they let VoiceOver audibly describe what's onscreen, making navigation easier for people with visual impairments.

Design a custom icon if you can't find a system-provided one that meets your needs. It's better to design your own than to misuse a system-provided image. See Custom Icons.

Navigation Bar and Toolbar Icons


Use the following icons in navigation bars and toolbars. For developer guidance, see UIBarButtonSystemItem.

TIP You can use text instead of icons to represent items in a navigation bar or toolbar. For example, Calendar uses 'Today,' 'Calendars,' and 'Inbox' in the toolbar. You can also use a fixed space element to provide padding between navigation and toolbar icons.

Action (Share)Shows a modal view containing share extensions, action extensions, and tasks, such as Copy, Favorite, or Find, that are useful in the current context.action
AddCreates a new item.add
BookmarksShows app-specific bookmarks.bookmarks
CameraTakes a photo or video, or shows the Photo
CancelCancelCloses the current view or ends edit mode without saving changes.cancel
ComposeOpens a new view in edit mode.compose
DoneDoneSaves the state and closes the current view, or exits edit mode.done
EditEditEnters edit mode in the current context.edit
Fast ForwardFast-forwards through media playback or slides.fastForward
OrganizeMoves an item to a new destination, such as a folder.organize
PausePauses media playback or slides. Always store the current location when pausing, so playback can resume later.pause
PlayBegins or resumes media playback or
RedoRedoRedoes the last action that was undone.redo
RefreshRefreshes content. Use this icon sparingly, as your app should refresh content automatically whenever possible.refresh
ReplySends or routes an item to another person or location.reply
RewindMoves backwards through media playback or slides.rewind
SaveSaveSaves the current
SearchDisplays a search
StopStops media playback or slides.stop
TrashDeletes the current or selected item.trash
UndoUndoUndoes the last action.undo

Tab Bar Icons

Use the following icons in tab bars. For developer guidance, see UITabBarSystemItem.

BookmarksShows app-specific bookmarks.bookmarks
ContactsShows the person's contacts.contacts
DownloadsShows active or recent downloads.downloads
FavoritesShows the person's favorite items.favorites
FeaturedShows content featured by the app.featured
HistoryShows recent actions or activity.history
MoreShows additional tab bar items.more
Most RecentShows content or items recently accessed within a specific period of time.mostRecent
Most ViewedShows the most popular items.mostViewed
SearchEnters a search
Top RatedShows the highest-rated items.topRated

Home Screen Quick Action Icons

Icon Images For Mac

Use the following icons in home screen quick action menus. For developer guidance, see UIApplicationShortcutIconType.

AddCreates a new item.add
AlarmSets or displays an alarm.alarm
AudioDenotes or adjusts
BookmarkCreates a bookmark or shows bookmarks.bookmark
Capture PhotoCaptures a photo.capturePhoto
Capture VideoCaptures a video.captureVideo
CloudDenotes, displays, or initiates a cloud-based
ComposeComposes new editable content.compose
ConfirmationDenotes that an action is complete.confirmation
ContactChooses or displays a
DateDisplays a calendar or event, or performs a related
FavoriteDenotes or marks a favorite item.favorite
HomeIndicates or displays a home screen. Indicates, displays, or routes to a physical home.home
InvitationDenotes or displays an invitation.invitation
LocationDenotes the concept of location or accesses the current geographic location.location
LoveDenotes or marks an item as
MailCreates a Mail message.mail
Mark LocationDenotes, displays, or saves a geographic location.markLocation
MessageCreates a new message or denotes the use of messaging.message
PausePauses media playback. Always store the current location when pausing, so playback can resume later.pause
PlayBegins or resumes media
ProhibitDenotes that something is disallowed.prohibit
SearchEnters a search
ShareShares content with others or to social media.share
ShuffleIndicates or initiates shuffle mode.shuffle
TaskDenotes an uncompleted task or marks a task as complete.task
Task CompletedDenotes a completed task or marks a task as not complete.taskCompleted
TimeDenotes or displays a clock or timer.time
UpdateUpdates content.update

App Icon

Beautiful app icons are an important part of the user experience on all Apple platforms. A unique, memorable icon evokes your app and can help people recognize it at a glance on the desktop, in Finder, and in the Dock. Polished, expressive icons can also hint at an app's personality and even its overall level of quality.

In macOS 11, app icons share a common set of visual attributes, including the rounded-rectangle shape, front-facing perspective, level position, and uniform drop shadow. Rooted in the macOS 11 design language, these attributes showcase the lifelike rendering style people expect in macOS while presenting a harmonious user experience. To download templates that specify the correct shape and drop shadow, see Apple Design Resources.

IMPORTANT When you update your app for macOS 11, use your new app icon design to replace the icon you designed for earlier versions. You can't include two different app icons for one app, and the macOS 11 app icon style looks fine on a Mac running Catalina or earlier.

Design a beautiful icon that clearly represents your app. Combine an engaging design with an artistic interpretation of your app's purpose that people can instantly understand.

Make sure your Windows executable is named 'Vectorworks 2017' (if Windows is configured to show application file extensions, your file name will display as 'Vectorworks 2017.exe'). For Windows users it is important that you decompress the zip file in the following manner: Right click the zip archive you download from this page, and select. Vectorworks 2017 for mac. Vectorworks 2017 Service Pack 2 Release Notes. The following issues were addressed for Vectorworks 2017 Service Pack 2. This is a list of bugs that were fixed or wish list items that were fulfilled. The information comes directly from the bug database as entered by the users who filed the issues. SUPPORTING YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. You'll have all the resources you need for success. We offer premium technical support, an info-packed Knowledgebase, and customizable training options like online Getting Started Guides, webinars, regional classroom events, and on-site training sessions. The following are real-world system requirements for running Vectorworks 2017. In some demanding cases, we would suggest a more capable machine than is described by these recommendations. Likewise, there are some less demanding situations where Vectorworks will perform well on older hardware. General Requirements: Operating System: Mac OS X 10.10. Vectorworks 2017 mac破解版是一款全新发布的建筑设计软件,一款景观设计软件,是全球设计和BIM软件开发商Vectorworks, Inc.

Embrace simplicity. Find a concept or element that captures the essence of your app and express it in a simple, unique way, adding details only when doing so enhances meaning. Too many details can be hard to discern and can make the icon appear muddy, especially at smaller sizes.

Establish a single focus point. A single, centered point of interest captures the user's attention and helps them recognize your app at a glance. Presenting multiple focus points can obscure the icon's message.

Free Icon Images For Mac

To give people a familiar and consistent experience, prefer a design that works well across multiple platforms. If your app runs on other platforms, use a similar image for all app icons while rendering them in the style that's appropriate for each platform. For example, in iOS and watchOS, the Mail app icon depicts the white envelope in a streamlined, graphical style; in macOS 11, the envelope includes depth and detail that communicate a realistic weight and texture.

macOS 11

Consider depicting a familiar tool to communicate what people use your app to do. To give context to your app's purpose, you can use the icon background to portray the tool's environment or the items it affects. For example, the TextEdit icon pairs a mechanical pencil with a sheet of lined paper to suggest a utilitarian writing experience. After you create a detailed, realistic image of a tool, it often works well to let it float just above the background and extend slightly past the icon boundaries. If you do this, make sure the tool remains visually unified with the background and doesn't overwhelm the rounded-rectangle shape.

Make real objects look real. If you depict real objects in your app icon, make them look like they're made of physical materials and have actual mass. Replicate the characteristics of substances like fabric, glass, paper, and metal to convey an object's weight and feel. For example, the Xcode app icon features a hammer that looks like it has a steel head and polymer grip.

If text is essential for communicating your app's purpose, consider creating a graphic abstraction of it. Actual text in an icon can be difficult to read and doesn't support accessibility or localization. To give the impression of text without implying that people should zoom in to read it, you can create a graphic texture that suggests it.

Icon images for contacts
Mac desktop icons

On your Mac, choose Apple menu System Preferences, click Desktop & Screen Saver, then click Desktop. Mind mapper for mac. Open the Desktop pane for me. On the left, find a picture or color: Pictures and colors that come with your Mac: Click the disclosure triangle next to Apple, then select Desktop Pictures or Colors to see thumbnails of available pictures and colors. Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for Mac Icon. 60+ Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD files. Free for commercial use High Quality Images.

System Icons (iOS 12 and Earlier)

In iOS 13 or later, prefer using SF Symbols to represent tasks and types of content in your app. If your app is running in iOS 12 or earlier, follow the guidance below.

The system provides built-in icons that represent common tasks and types of content in a variety of use cases.

In apps running iOS 12 and earlier, it's a good idea to use these built-in icons as much as possible because they're familiar to people.

Use system icons as intended. Every system-provided image has a specific, well-known meaning. To avoid confusing users, it's essential that each image be used in accordance with its meaning and recommended usage.

Provide alternative text labels for icons. Alternative text labels aren't visible onscreen, but they let VoiceOver audibly describe what's onscreen, making navigation easier for people with visual impairments.

Design a custom icon if you can't find a system-provided one that meets your needs. It's better to design your own than to misuse a system-provided image. See Custom Icons.

Navigation Bar and Toolbar Icons

Use the following icons in navigation bars and toolbars. For developer guidance, see UIBarButtonSystemItem.

TIP You can use text instead of icons to represent items in a navigation bar or toolbar. For example, Calendar uses 'Today,' 'Calendars,' and 'Inbox' in the toolbar. You can also use a fixed space element to provide padding between navigation and toolbar icons.

Action (Share)Shows a modal view containing share extensions, action extensions, and tasks, such as Copy, Favorite, or Find, that are useful in the current context.action
AddCreates a new item.add
BookmarksShows app-specific bookmarks.bookmarks
CameraTakes a photo or video, or shows the Photo
CancelCancelCloses the current view or ends edit mode without saving changes.cancel
ComposeOpens a new view in edit mode.compose
DoneDoneSaves the state and closes the current view, or exits edit mode.done
EditEditEnters edit mode in the current context.edit
Fast ForwardFast-forwards through media playback or slides.fastForward
OrganizeMoves an item to a new destination, such as a folder.organize
PausePauses media playback or slides. Always store the current location when pausing, so playback can resume later.pause
PlayBegins or resumes media playback or
RedoRedoRedoes the last action that was undone.redo
RefreshRefreshes content. Use this icon sparingly, as your app should refresh content automatically whenever possible.refresh
ReplySends or routes an item to another person or location.reply
RewindMoves backwards through media playback or slides.rewind
SaveSaveSaves the current
SearchDisplays a search
StopStops media playback or slides.stop
TrashDeletes the current or selected item.trash
UndoUndoUndoes the last action.undo

Tab Bar Icons

Use the following icons in tab bars. For developer guidance, see UITabBarSystemItem.

BookmarksShows app-specific bookmarks.bookmarks
ContactsShows the person's contacts.contacts
DownloadsShows active or recent downloads.downloads
FavoritesShows the person's favorite items.favorites
FeaturedShows content featured by the app.featured
HistoryShows recent actions or activity.history
MoreShows additional tab bar items.more
Most RecentShows content or items recently accessed within a specific period of time.mostRecent
Most ViewedShows the most popular items.mostViewed
SearchEnters a search
Top RatedShows the highest-rated items.topRated

Home Screen Quick Action Icons

Icon Images For Mac

Use the following icons in home screen quick action menus. For developer guidance, see UIApplicationShortcutIconType.

AddCreates a new item.add
AlarmSets or displays an alarm.alarm
AudioDenotes or adjusts
BookmarkCreates a bookmark or shows bookmarks.bookmark
Capture PhotoCaptures a photo.capturePhoto
Capture VideoCaptures a video.captureVideo
CloudDenotes, displays, or initiates a cloud-based
ComposeComposes new editable content.compose
ConfirmationDenotes that an action is complete.confirmation
ContactChooses or displays a
DateDisplays a calendar or event, or performs a related
FavoriteDenotes or marks a favorite item.favorite
HomeIndicates or displays a home screen. Indicates, displays, or routes to a physical home.home
InvitationDenotes or displays an invitation.invitation
LocationDenotes the concept of location or accesses the current geographic location.location
LoveDenotes or marks an item as
MailCreates a Mail message.mail
Mark LocationDenotes, displays, or saves a geographic location.markLocation
MessageCreates a new message or denotes the use of messaging.message
PausePauses media playback. Always store the current location when pausing, so playback can resume later.pause
PlayBegins or resumes media
ProhibitDenotes that something is disallowed.prohibit
SearchEnters a search
ShareShares content with others or to social media.share
ShuffleIndicates or initiates shuffle mode.shuffle
TaskDenotes an uncompleted task or marks a task as complete.task
Task CompletedDenotes a completed task or marks a task as not complete.taskCompleted
TimeDenotes or displays a clock or timer.time
UpdateUpdates content.update

App Icon

Beautiful app icons are an important part of the user experience on all Apple platforms. A unique, memorable icon evokes your app and can help people recognize it at a glance on the desktop, in Finder, and in the Dock. Polished, expressive icons can also hint at an app's personality and even its overall level of quality.

In macOS 11, app icons share a common set of visual attributes, including the rounded-rectangle shape, front-facing perspective, level position, and uniform drop shadow. Rooted in the macOS 11 design language, these attributes showcase the lifelike rendering style people expect in macOS while presenting a harmonious user experience. To download templates that specify the correct shape and drop shadow, see Apple Design Resources.

IMPORTANT When you update your app for macOS 11, use your new app icon design to replace the icon you designed for earlier versions. You can't include two different app icons for one app, and the macOS 11 app icon style looks fine on a Mac running Catalina or earlier.

Design a beautiful icon that clearly represents your app. Combine an engaging design with an artistic interpretation of your app's purpose that people can instantly understand.

Make sure your Windows executable is named 'Vectorworks 2017' (if Windows is configured to show application file extensions, your file name will display as 'Vectorworks 2017.exe'). For Windows users it is important that you decompress the zip file in the following manner: Right click the zip archive you download from this page, and select. Vectorworks 2017 for mac. Vectorworks 2017 Service Pack 2 Release Notes. The following issues were addressed for Vectorworks 2017 Service Pack 2. This is a list of bugs that were fixed or wish list items that were fulfilled. The information comes directly from the bug database as entered by the users who filed the issues. SUPPORTING YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. You'll have all the resources you need for success. We offer premium technical support, an info-packed Knowledgebase, and customizable training options like online Getting Started Guides, webinars, regional classroom events, and on-site training sessions. The following are real-world system requirements for running Vectorworks 2017. In some demanding cases, we would suggest a more capable machine than is described by these recommendations. Likewise, there are some less demanding situations where Vectorworks will perform well on older hardware. General Requirements: Operating System: Mac OS X 10.10. Vectorworks 2017 mac破解版是一款全新发布的建筑设计软件,一款景观设计软件,是全球设计和BIM软件开发商Vectorworks, Inc.

Embrace simplicity. Find a concept or element that captures the essence of your app and express it in a simple, unique way, adding details only when doing so enhances meaning. Too many details can be hard to discern and can make the icon appear muddy, especially at smaller sizes.

Establish a single focus point. A single, centered point of interest captures the user's attention and helps them recognize your app at a glance. Presenting multiple focus points can obscure the icon's message.

Free Icon Images For Mac

To give people a familiar and consistent experience, prefer a design that works well across multiple platforms. If your app runs on other platforms, use a similar image for all app icons while rendering them in the style that's appropriate for each platform. For example, in iOS and watchOS, the Mail app icon depicts the white envelope in a streamlined, graphical style; in macOS 11, the envelope includes depth and detail that communicate a realistic weight and texture.

macOS 11

Consider depicting a familiar tool to communicate what people use your app to do. To give context to your app's purpose, you can use the icon background to portray the tool's environment or the items it affects. For example, the TextEdit icon pairs a mechanical pencil with a sheet of lined paper to suggest a utilitarian writing experience. After you create a detailed, realistic image of a tool, it often works well to let it float just above the background and extend slightly past the icon boundaries. If you do this, make sure the tool remains visually unified with the background and doesn't overwhelm the rounded-rectangle shape.

Make real objects look real. If you depict real objects in your app icon, make them look like they're made of physical materials and have actual mass. Replicate the characteristics of substances like fabric, glass, paper, and metal to convey an object's weight and feel. For example, the Xcode app icon features a hammer that looks like it has a steel head and polymer grip.

If text is essential for communicating your app's purpose, consider creating a graphic abstraction of it. Actual text in an icon can be difficult to read and doesn't support accessibility or localization. To give the impression of text without implying that people should zoom in to read it, you can create a graphic texture that suggests it.

To depict photos or parts of your app's UI, create idealized images that emphasize the features you want people to notice. Photos are often full of details that obscure the main content when viewed at small sizes. If you want to use a photo in your icon, pick one with strongly contrasting values that make the main subject stand out. Remove unimportant details that make primary lines and shapes fuzzy or indistinct. If your app has a UI that people recognize, avoid simply replicating standard UI elements or using a screenshot in your icon. Instead, consider designing a graphic that echoes the UI and expresses the personality of your app.

Don't use replicas of Apple hardware products. Apple products are copyrighted and can't be reproduced in your icons or images. Avoid displaying replicas of devices, because hardware designs tend to change frequently and can make your icon look dated.

Use the drop shadow in the icon-design template. The template includes the system-defined drop shadow that helps your app icon coordinate with other macOS 11 icons.

Consider using interior shadows and highlights to add definition and realism. For example, the Mail app icon uses both shadows and highlights to give the envelope authenticity and to suggest that the flap is slightly open. In icons that include a tool that floats above a background — such as TextEdit or Xcode — interior shadows can strengthen the perception of depth and make the tool look real. Shadows and highlights should suggest a light source that faces the icon, positioned just above center and tilted slightly downward.

Avoid defining contours that suggest a shape other than a rounded rectangle. In rare cases, you might want to fine-tune the basic app icon shape, but doing so risks creating an icon that looks like it doesn't belong in macOS 11. If you must alter the shape, prefer subtle adjustments that continue to express a rounded rectangle silhouette.

Icon Images For Contacts

Consider adding a slight glow just inside the edges of your icon. If your app icon includes a dark reflective surface, like glass or metal, add an inner glow to make the icon stand out and prevent it from appearing to dissolve into dark backgrounds.

Keep primary content within the icon grid bounding box; keep all content within the outer bounding box. If an icon's primary content extends beyond the icon grid bounding box, it tends to look out of place. If you overlay a tool on your icon, it works well to align the tool's top edge with the outer bounding box and its bottom edge with the inner bounding box, as shown below.

In addition to the bounding boxes and suggested tool placement, the icon design template provides a grid to help you position items within an icon. You can also use the icon grid to ensure that centered inner elements like circles use a size that's consistent with other icons in the system.

App Icon Attributes

All app icons should use the following specifications.

Color spaceDisplay P3 (wide-gamut color), sRGB (color), or Gray Gamma 2.2 (grayscale)
LayersFlattened with transparency as appropriate
Resolution@1x and @2x (see Image Size and Resolution)
ShapeSquare with no rounded corners

Don't provide app icons in ICNS or JPEG format. The ICNS format doesn't support features like wide color gamut or deliver the performance and efficiency you get when you use asset catalogs. JPEG doesn't support transparency through alpha channels, and its compression can blur or distort an icon's images. For best results, add deinterlaced PNG files to the app icon fields of your Xcode project's asset catalog.

App Icon Sizes

Your app icon is displayed in many places, including in Finder, the Dock, Launchpad, and the App Store. To ensure that your app icon looks great everywhere people see it, provide it in the following sizes:

  • 512x512 pt (512x512 px @1x, 1024x1024 px @2x)
  • 256x256 pt (256x256 px @1x, 512x512 px @2x)
  • 128x128 pt (128x128 px @1x, 256x256 px @2x)
  • 32x32 pt (32x32 px @1x, 64x64 px @2x)
  • 16x16 pt (16x16 px @1x, 32x32 px @2x)

Maintain visual consistency in all icon sizes. As icon size decreases, fine details become muddy and hard to distinguish. At the smallest sizes, it's important to remove unnecessary features and exaggerate primary features to help the content remain clear. As you simplify icons that are visually smaller, don't let them appear drastically different from their larger counterparts. Strive to make subtle variations that ensure the icon remains visually consistent when displayed in different environments. For example, if people drag your icon between displays with different resolutions, the icon's appearance shouldn't suddenly change.

Free Icons For Mac

The 512x512 pt Safari app icon (on the left) uses a circle of tick marks to indicate degrees; the 16x16 pt version of the icon (on the right) doesn't include this detail.

broken image